Lola Ralph, a photographer based in New York, was looking for a stylish yet easy-to-navigate website to showcase her works, stay connected with her clients, and publish blog posts.
My Role
UI/UX Designer
Design simple but sophisticated navigation that grabs attention.
Design an appealing interface that matched the photographer's style so that her audience could navigate into her digital world without extra effort. 
2 weeks
Design a playful, bold interface that doesn't interfere with the website's content. I had to keep the visual interesting without masking Lola's eye-catching photographs. 
Adobe XD, Illustrator, InVision
Visual Design
Lola's photograph style
Lola's photograph style
The first palette was crafted from dominant colours in photographs.
The first palette was crafted from dominant colours in photographs.
A highlight from our first meeting about her project. It became the most potent inspiration source for the ideation process.
A highlight from our first meeting about her project. It became the most potent inspiration source for the ideation process.
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